Trading Agent
The trading agent is your private trading bot that can work 24/7 and execute of complex trades based on your requests.
The trading agent does what the name suggests, the agent will trade on your behalf. The difference between a trading bot and a trading agent is that an agent can act autonomously based on the goals or tasks you have assigned to the agent.
Trading is probably the agent's use case that people would most commonly be familiar with. With an agent connected to insights, market data, and a fast trading bot, it can do some pretty amazing things. The trading agent would work in concert with the portfolio and research agent to execute the output of the other two agents.
The biggest opportunities are timing where the agent will be able to monitor the markets and make split-second trades based on your goals. Balancing price, market cap, gas fees, and insights to find the best path forward.
The primary goal of the trading agent is as follows.
Listen to the user for instructions on what to trade.
Understand the requests set by the user
Plan and prepare actions needed for a trade to be successful.
Make transactions that fulfill the goals and tasks set out by the user
Simulate the transaction before executing
Make sure the trade does not violate the risk limits.
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