
The Armor Marketplace is an efficient way to extend Armor Wallet and add tighter integration between a web3 wallet and dApp or protocol.


The Armor Marketplace is an extension of the web3 wallet where you can create more functionality on top of the wallet and build offerings that can benefit Armor users. Quality-of-life features like managing loans or liquidity positions help users reduce risk and maximize interest-based income. At the same time, providing new features and services in the Armor Wallet like alpha calling provide a platform for new business ideas and very unique products to Armor users.


The marketplace is made of tools, not dApps. Tools are interfaces into live dApps or other services that exist elsewhere in web3. A tool simply provides an easy interface for these products and services. All tools need to be vetted and approved by Armor to minimize possible scams and hacks.

Protocol Tools

The simplest of tools are for well-known protocols such as Uniswap or AAVE. These tools give the Armor wallet users AI access to a user's positions so they can better manage their investments. If you are providing liquidity to a pool in Uniswap then you want to see your yield, profitability, and trend on your investment as well as easy access to change your position. With a protocol like AAVE, you want to see all of your loans and make sure you don't get liquidated through notification or primitive actions. In both cases, you can guide Armor AI to act on your behalf and execute a trade to protect your assets.

Trading Tools

Another type of tool is a trading tool these are products like AI-based trading bots created by others or alpha signaling services. With these tools subscribe to the tool which will either trade on your behalf or feed you trading recommendations that you can act on. In these cases, when you add one of these tools to Armor, you will share a percentage of the trading profit with the tool provider. If you win, they win.

AI tools

The third type of tool modifies the Armor AI with data and insights. These tools usually don't provide a visible benefit but bring in unique data that the Armor AI can utilize. These types of tools are ring-fenced in the AI system and clearly marked under the reasoning description so that users have a clear understanding of the source that produces an answer. With this type of tool, the trading Agent is not allowed to independently act.

Extension tools

With extensions, a user will get additional core functionality to Armor Wallet. These tools are the result of a strategy partnership between Armor and a third-party provider. A good example of this would be banking services that would bring all of your fiat banking products into Armor under the Armor UI.

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